showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast ?? 1life alternateattack combatstyles cruelty-potential difficulty disintegrators doors download elevators energyregen energyweapons envcombat falldamage firstpersonshooter gcengine highfantasy idtech3 jumping knockback laserbolts laserweapons lightsabers lostpowers meleeweapons milessound openal opengl projectiledeflection psychicpowers psychics repulsion sciencefantasy sequence-defend serious slowmotion spacefaringage starwars starwars-skywalker swords techdisparity telekinesis thx-1138 uvl-tiein voiceovers walking warriorprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
The Legend of Zelda: A Time to Triumph  author? actionadventure ancientenemy automap bartering bossbattles cheapdeath childprotagonist chosenone cpplanguage currency currency-multi doors elves fangame fish fishing forest humanoidprotagonist illequipped itemget keys ladders lethalobjects limitedcapacity magic monsters nohumans projectiledeflection returnofthehylianengine rewardingvandalism sdl skeletons subterranean trees undead unexpectedsituation walking labelminimizeminimize
The Legend of Zelda: Navi's Quest  author? actionadventure ancientenemy archlinux automap bartering bossbattles cheapdeath childprotagonist chosenone cpplanguage currency currency-multi doors elves fangame fish fishing forest humanoidprotagonist illequipped itemget keys ladders lethalobjects limitedcapacity magic monsters nohumans projectiledeflection returnofthehylianengine rewardingvandalism sdl skeletons subterranean trees undead unexpectedsituation walking labelminimizeminimize
The Legend Of Zelda: Mercuris’ Chest  authorTBA actionadventure ancientenemy automap bossbattles bribing cheapdeath childprotagonist chosenone cpplanguage currency curse doors elves fangame forest humanoidprotagonist illequipped indevelopment itemget keys ladders lethalobjects limitedcapacity lua magic monsters nohumans projectiledeflection rewardingvandalism sdl skeletons solarusengine subterranean trees undead unexpectedsituation walking labelminimizeminimize